If your social media feed looks anything like mine, it’s pretty evident that engagement season is in full swing! It seems like everyone is popping the question and getting that gorgeous ring. This also means everyone is out venue shopping! If you find yourself falling into this category, you know this task can be very tedious! It seems like DFW has endless venue choices, price ranges and upgrades to offer you. But you find yourself wondering when all the comparing and pricing will end! To make this task a little less daunting, we have provided you with a list of must-ask questions when you’re exploring possible venues.
- What is included?
This might seem really basic, but it’s a must to ask! Every venue’s list of what’s included is unique. Make sure you don’t get them mixed up. You might also ask what is not included, especially if that what’s included list is pretty long.

- What upgrades do you offer?
Again, every venue is different. With some, you’ll only rent out a bare room. With others, they might offer you a whole range of upgrades! Consider whether using the venue’s upgrades will provide a better value for you and your budget. A lot of times it might make more sense to use them for things like lighting, linens or catering instead of buying these things separately. It could also save you the time and headache of finding alternatives. Plus, it makes the day of your wedding a whole lot easier when everything is coming together from the same vendor.

- What is your backup plan?
Don’t ever forget to ask a venue what their backup plan is when it comes to bad weather! Make sure they are able to easily move your event to an indoor location when the rain starts to pour. How much notice do they need to implement this backup plan? Can you make the call for an indoor location just hours before your ceremony or do you have to make that decision a week in advance? Will there be people on-site to help make this transition? These are all important things that need to be considered…especially with Texas weather!

- How long is my rental?
Don’t assume you will get the venue reserved on your wedding day for the entire day! Make sure you know what you are paying for. Does the venue have multiple events per day or are you the only wedding that Saturday? How much time do you have to set up and tear down? How many hours will be reserved for your ceremony and reception? Make sure you and your vendors have enough time to accomplish your wedding vision!

- What happens when the unexpected happens?
While this question isn’t exactly the easiest to ask, it is important. In the light of recent venues shutting its doors unexpectedly, many brides are left with no wedding day and no refund. This leaves brides still searching for venues just as concerned as they are trying to find a place perfect for them. So make sure you ask the hard question: what happens to my wedding if the venue goes under? Do they have a backup plan for the brides affected? What is their refund policy? A good rule of thumb is to start by considering venues that have proven to be reputable businesses. While there’s no way to really find out what their financial situation is, you can always keep your eyes open for good signs and years of experience to back them up.

We hope these questions give you a good place to start. We understand how overwhelming venue shopping can be, but with a plan in hand, it can be a little easier for you! And we always say that once you get the venue down and a date set, the rest seems to flow a little easier. Best of luck to you!